PennyLane (3K Git stars)

Working in the core team of PennyLane, developed at Xanadu Quantum Technologies. PennyLane is an open-source software framework for quantum machine learning, quantum chemistry, and quantum computing, with currently (Jun 2024) 3K GitHub stars and 850+ forks.

FinQuant (1.3K Git stars)

Official co-maintainer of FinQuant, a large open-source Python project for financial portfolio analysis, with currently (Jun 2024) 1.3K GitHub stars and 180+ forks. FinQuant can analyze asset opportunities, optimize portfolio allocations, and make informed investments, enhancing potential returns and risk management.

Computational methods for loop quantum gravity

Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a quantum theory of gravity that offers a promising and compelling framework for understanding the fundamental nature of spacetime. During my PhD, I focused on developing new computational methods for LQG. I integrated HPC, Monte Carlo, and Machine Learning techniques into LQG research. My contributions led to 7 publications.