Academic Degrees

  • Ph.D. in Physics with Scientific Computing Specialization
    Western University, Ontario, Canada (Sep 2020 - Dec 2023)
    4-year program

  • Master of Science in Theoretical Physics
    University of Bologna, Italy (Sep 2017 - Oct 2019)
    2-year program

  • Bachelor of Science in Physics
    University of Bologna, Italy (Sep 2014 - Sep 2017)
    3-year program

  • High School diploma
    Liceo Scientifico "A. Einstein", Rimini, Italy (Sep 2009 - Sep 2014)
    5-year program

    • Thesis: Introduzione alla meccanica quantistica

Summer Schools

Introduction to Quantum Computing School
CINECA, Bologna, Italy (Jun 2023)

  • Selected among the 25 best applicants. Fully scholarship-founded travel and expenses

  • Courses: Qiskit, Nisq algorithms, quantum annealers, Pulser, tensor networks, and quantum simulators

2023 Compute Ontario Summer School for Advanced Research Computing
Compute Canada, Canada (Jun 2023)

  • Courses: Modern C++ Parallel Programming, OOP and C++ Exception Handling, HPC in Python, Text mining

2022 Loops Summer School
CPT, Marseille, France (Jun 2022)

  • Annual summer school on Loop Quantum Gravity

2022 Compute Ontario Summer School for Advanced Research Computing
Compute Canada, Canada (Jun 2022)

  • Courses: Machine Learning, Git

2021 SHARCNET HPC Summer School
Sharcnet, Canada (Jun 2021)

  • Courses: Parallel Programming with MPI, CUDA, Parallel Debugging and Profiling

2022 Compute Ontario Summer School for Advanced Research Computing
Compute Canada, Canada (Jun 2022)

  • Courses: Machine Learning, Git

2021 Loop Quantum Gravity Online Summer School
CPT, Marseille, France (Jun 2021)

  • Annual summer school on Loop Quantum Gravity

Licenses and Certifications


  • Advanced level certification in modern guitar (grade 100/100) . Modern Music Institute, Riccione, Italy. Sept 2013