Work Experience
Quantum Software Developer II Xanadu Quantum Technologies, Toronto, ON, Canada (Feb 2024 - present)
Working in the core team of PennyLane, an open-source software framework for quantum machine learning, quantum chemistry, and quantum computing.
Developed DefaultTensor, a PennyLane quantum device based on fast and efficient tensor network simulations of quantum circuits. The public tutorial is available on the PennyLane website.
Integrated the vectorization of quantum circuit simulations and captured the PennyLane control flow pipeline into the JAX computational graph, speeding up quantum machine learning algorithms.
Written documentation, tutorials, and guides for users.
Researcher and Teaching assistant Western University, London, ON, Canada (Sep 2020 - Dec 2023)
Conducted scientific research with the backing of the Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada.
Integrated high-performance computing into loop quantum gravity research. Published original contributions in peer-reviewed journals, also as a first and solo author.
Teaching assistant for engineering students in Calculus I, Calculus II, and Numerical Methods courses.
Scientific translator Adelphi Edizioni, Milano, Italy (Jun 2020 - Feb 2021)
Adapter and Italian translator for General Relativity: The Essentials, written by Carlo Rovelli. The Italian version is Relatività generale. Una semplice introduzione.
Lifeguard New Kalos, Rimini, Italy (Jun 2012 - Aug 2012)
Lifeguard in a swimming pool during summertime in Rimini, Italy. Seasonal work during the formative years.
Conference Talks
Recent advances in numerical LQG. LOOPS 2022, École normale supérieure in Lyon, France (Jul 2022).
Recent advances in numerical LQG. 23rd international conference on GR and gravitation, École normale supérieure in Lyon, Beijing, China (Jul 2022).
Numerical techniques in covariant LQG. 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Remote (Jul 2021).
Referee for Physical Review D journal (American Physical Society).
Referee for Classical and Quantum Gravity journal (IOPscience).
Volunteered for three months in the UK between Dec 2019 and Feb 2020. Spent time in a vibrant community college in the picturesque South Oxfordshire countryside, called Braziers Park.
- Pietropaolo Frisoni
- "What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean" - Isaac Newton