Work Experience

  • Quantum Software Developer II
    Xanadu Quantum Technologies, Toronto, ON, Canada (Feb 2024 - present)

    • Working in the core team of PennyLane, an open-source software framework for quantum machine learning, quantum chemistry, and quantum computing.

    • Developed DefaultTensor, a PennyLane quantum device based on fast and efficient tensor network simulations of quantum circuits. The public tutorial is available on the PennyLane website.

  • Researcher and Teaching assistant
    Western University, London, ON, Canada (Sep 2020 - Dec 2023)

    • Conducted scientific research with the backing of the Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada.

    • Integrated high-performance computing into loop quantum gravity research. Published original contributions in peer-reviewed journals, also as a first and solo author.

    • Teaching assistant for engineering students in Calculus I, Calculus II, and Numerical Methods courses.

  • Scientific translator
    Adelphi Edizioni, Milano, Italy (Jun 2020 - Feb 2021)

  • Lifeguard
    New Kalos, Rimini, Italy (Jun 2012 - Aug 2012)

    • Lifeguard in a swimming pool during summertime in Rimini, Italy. Seasonal work during the formative years.

Conference Talks

  • Recent advances in numerical LQG. LOOPS 2022, École normale supérieure in Lyon, France (Jul 2022).

  • Numerical techniques in covariant LQG. 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Remote (Jul 2021).


  • Volunteered for three months in the UK between Dec 2019 and Feb 2020. Spent time in a vibrant community college in the picturesque South Oxfordshire countryside, called Braziers Park.